
Sunday Worship – 10am          

Coffee & Snacks – 11am          

Sunday School – 11:15am – Noon


Purpose:  On Sundays when we gather for worship, the dispersed people of God become the gathered people of God.  We gather to offer God our thanks and praise and to be renewed so that we might serve God and serve our neighbors.


What to Expect
  • Dress

Come as you are!  Whether you prefer to worship in a suit and tie or in blue jeans and t-shirt, you are welcome here!  At our worship you will find both and everything in between.

  • Children

God’s children of all ages are welcome in our worship!  There is childcare available for infants to 3 years old, according to the parents’ desires.  We often include a Children’s Message in the worship service so that children can hear the word of God in age-appropriate stories and illustrations.  Also, crayons and children’s bulletins are available to help children learn about the day’s Scripture through activities and puzzles during worship.

  • Music

We recognize that music is a powerful vehicle for connecting to God and we strive to have a variety of musical selections to facilitate our encounter with the Divine.  Our worship includes a blend of traditional hymns, contemporary praise music, and international songs.  On any given Sunday you might hear our organ, our Praise Team, accompanied by piano, keyboard, or guitar, and any number of other instruments.  In all our music, our primary goal is the praise of our Lord.

  • Greeting

During our worship service, we have a time of passing the peace in which we greet one another with the peace of Christ.

  • Prayer Requests

Our worship includes a time for the sharing of praises and prayer requests from the week.  Many people share these praises and concerns aloud to the congregation during this time.  However, praises and prayer requests can also be submitted for either inclusion on the prayer list, for the Pastor to mention during the prayer time, or both.

  • Communion

We celebrate the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of everything month.  This is celebrated by the Deacon’s distributing first the bread (we use goldfish crackers) and then the cup (grape juice) to each person in the congregation.  We believe that all who confess faith in Christ are invited to partake of the Lord’s Supper.  Children are encouraged to discuss with their parents and a Pastor about their faith and to seek baptism before taking communion.   santuary