

Jesus spoke often to the disciples of the importance of stewardship and its role in accomplishing God’s work.  As the congregation of First Baptist Church of Overland Park, we recognize the importance of our stewardship to FBC in our Christian Life.  The monies we give to FBC help us accomplish our various missions, goals, and support our annual budget.  The size of your offering does not matter as much as the fact that you understand that being a good steward helps you fulfill your life as a Christian.  Attending church on a regular basis, volunteering for the various boards and programs, and being involved in the mission programs are all important.  However, being a good steward as a member of FBC is every bit as important as those activities.  If being a good steward has not been part of your Christian life, then prayerfully consider making it a regular part of your life this year.


Ways to Give

You can give your financial offerings to FBC in several different ways.

  • Offering envelopes collected during worship each Sunday
  • Mail monies to the church office
  • Make a transfer of stock as a gift to the church
  • Make a payment online


Your Gifts at Work

Your gifts and offerings are currently helping us to celebrate our 100th Anniversary and move forward into our next 100 years of ministry!  Thank you for your gifts!